10 Sep – 12 Sep 2025  | 
Exhibitor Conversations

Empowering Healthcare through Innovation

Learn about Actywell Digital's vision for the future and the role of AI in predicting individual health trajectories. With their data-driven solutions and continuous advancements, the company aims to refine health analytics, improve patient care, and contribute to the healthcare sector's predictive capabilities. Actywell Digital envisions a world where teleconsultation, remote patient monitoring, and personalised healthcare solutions seamlessly integrate into daily life, benefiting patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers alike. Here’s our conversation with Perry Ko, Re-Founder, Actywell Digital.


What will you be showcasing at the Start-Up Park at MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2023:

We’ll be showing the Hera Leto Temperature & Oxygen (HLT-O), Hera Leto Active (HLA) at the MFT. These products are used in conjunction for a holistic tele-rehab system that allows healthcare providers and physiotherapists to monitor their patient’s vital signs in real time. HLT-O is a single-sided earphone with the functionality of non-invasively and accurately measures the user’s bio-signals (heart rate, temperature, SpO2 and respiratory rate). These signals can also detect the user’s stress/mental fatigue levels (heart rate variability) as well as heat stress levels and can be easily integrated into work tools of many different industries, for example outdoor occupations like construction workers/delivery drivers, or indoor occupations like factory and office workers. The bio-signals measured by Hera Leto Temperature (& Oxygen) can be displayed on a mobile application for the user’s reference, as well as collected in a backend database for further analysis as a workplace safety management solution.

Hera Leto Active (HLA) is a home-based telehealth system that encourages active ageing and healthy lifestyles, allowing the user to monitor and keep a record of their bio-signals while exercising with the earbud on at home. Integrating with the HLT-O, a display unit, a Blood Pressure monitor and a single-sided earbud that measures Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Body Temperature, Oxygen Saturation (SpO2), HRV (Mental Health) and HRR (Cardiac Health). HLA provides a convenient, non-invasive and continuous monitoring technology to accurately measure the signs of fever, shortness of breath, increase in heart rate and drop in Spo2. It targets the elderly living in nursing homes and in-home elderly to facilitate effectiveness of patient care; it will be able to assist in patient care by the features of teleconferencing.

Tell us more about your participation at the Start-Up Park:

To us, MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND (MFT) brings together healthcare professionals, medical device manufacturers, remote patient monitoring sectors and other stakeholders from the medical industry. It is a wonderful opportunity for our company to interact with the top-level industry. MFT has always been the largest international medical and healthcare exhibition in the region, we are impressed by the past resounding success, its professional nature and positive feedback from the organizer. We hope to establish a new distribution channel with prospective customers, MFT also provides an opportunity to showcase our product with international and local distributors, allowing us to expand our market into the South-east Asian region; we are really passionate about our product and vision, and we also want to share with everyone.

Are there any collaborations or partnerships you are seeking to establish here in Southeast Asia?

Through MFT, we hope to further open our markets in the South-east Asia region. Actywell product targets healthcare sectors in remote patient monitoring and telemedicine and has been launched in the Asia market. For Hong Kong market, local hospitals, universities, and social welfare organisations have been collaborated with this to articulate their patients’ need. To further deploy our product in Asia market, we want to engage the healthcare sector in the field of rehabilitation, hospital and NGOs in South-east Asia Market such as Thailand, India, Malaysia, etc.

What specific target audience or customer segments do you hope to engage with at MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND?

Our specific target audiences will most likely gear toward healthcare centres and hospitals that currently provide rehabilitation services to elderly and rehab patients. Our Hera Leto Active solution can provide health monitoring and tele-rehabilitation exercises, and then further facilitate patients’ rehab progress by having real time bio-signals detections by a single-sided earbud. We can collaborate with healthcare centres to reach more patients and provide an easier and more convenient method to conduct remote monitoring and tele-rehabilitation. Customised hardware and software services can also be available for those healthcare providers.

Also, we target the patients that require remote monitoring such as elderly patients that may have difficulties engaging in rehabilitation sessions with their physician or caregivers, as well as stroke and cardiac patients. In addition, patients can make use of HLA to have chronic care management. They can detect bio-signals and have remote exercises at home to control chronic status. However, we’ve got a lot of ideas up to our sleeves and we believe the next target will need biometric signals in their daily life as well.

How do you integrate bio-signal sensing technology into your products, and what benefits does it bring to consumers and the health-tech sector?

We integrate the Photoplethysmogram (PPG) technology from our technology partner Well Being Digital (WBD101) through the earpiece in a tiny chip and PPG dual optic sensor. This means that the technology we use is microscopic, which is why we can put them inside of our earpiece. The immediate advantage is that it is very convenient to use only a single-sided earbud to sense the abovementioned 4 vital signals, without having to wear something that might not be a habit for most people, such as watches. It can also use to replace multiple health monitoring devices, for example, thermometers, oximeters, chest belts, etc. Moreover, we usually keep these hearables in our pockets during work but bring them out to listen to our favorite tunes during commutes, which is where we can record down their biometrics signals.

Tell us more about the Hera Leto App, and any future plans or developments regarding the analytics aspect of the app?

HLT-O app has been marketed in the version of Android and IOS, which could be downloaded from app store. With the application of our HLT-O, users can monitor their vital signals (core body temperature, respiratory rate, SpO2 and Heart Rate) through the apps, it is developed based on the functioning of Bluetooth earbud as listening and voice prompt, with the value-added feature to monitor user’s own health condition. All the historical bio-signals measured are recorded and can be viewed from the console by the user or further analyzed in the backend by healthcare providers.

You recently completed a smart ageing project for your Hera Leto Active – focused on tell rehabilitation, tele-consultation, and remote patient monitoring. Could you tell us more about the success of this project, and how the platform can benefit seniors?

Our Hera Leto Active (HLA) solution has won Innovation Award in the CITY I&T Grand Challenge Hong Kong, with the vision to promote the easy accessibility of tele-consultation and other healthcare service through our remote monitoring system. Continuous and reliable data collection is a major concern in the medical field, our wearables devices provide continuous, accurate and non-invasive methods based on the continuous capturing of real-time data. This project aim to provide a solution for elderly to monitor their daily health, and promote self-awareness and external monitoring. HLA has been successfully trialed with a local university. The elderly took our product home for a week to conduct home-based health monitoring, tele-rehabilitation, and teleconsultation. We received positive feedback that HLA has high efficacy on long-term health monitoring and improving awareness on measuring bio-signals.
